Moderator Manual Overview

Our Coffee Shop is an EchoLink conference server dedicated to the promotion of Amateur Radio. Open 24/7 since February 2, 2010, it can be found in the EchoLink software “conference” listings as *K6FN* OUR COFFEE SHOP. Node # 426824.

Our Coffee Shop is a place that when entering, users are greeted warmly and invited to join the conversation. Imagine walking into your favorite old-time coffee shop with your friends already there. As you walk in, they say, “hello (insert your name and call sign here,) good to see you today!” That is exactly what happens in Our Coffee Shop.

No special agendas here, just a great bunch of friendly hams from all over the world that are happy to welcome you to the group, and, are looking forward to your comments when it is your turn.

One of the special things about Our Coffee Shop is that everyone gets a turn! We call it a gravitational round table.  When you first enter Our Coffee Shop your call sign and name will appear near the top of the user list. As people “key up” to talk, their name is moved to the top of the list, and your name will move down the list. When your name is at the bottom of the list, it will be your turn next!

Each person is allotted 2.5 minutes (150 seconds) to talk. When you have had your turn, always pass the mic to the user whose call sign / name is at the bottom of the list. In this way each person is afforded the same amount of time to add to the conversation. A true “round table” discussion.

Our Coffee Shop is a unique environment in amateur radio.   One I am sure you will enjoy!  Stop by and share a cup of coffee with us anytime!  Our Coffee Shop is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your use and enjoyment.

Be sure to catch the Morning Breakfast Group at 9 am (eastern) and the evening Coffee Break at 7 pm (eastern).

Scheduled, moderated nets occur Monday through Friday at 9 am (eastern) and 7 pm (eastern). And now on Saturdays and Sundays at 9 am as well.  However, you will typically find someone in the coffee shop at these times even when there is no moderated net scheduled..

Moderators may offer a topic for discussion during their scheduled net. Topics typically range from ham radio related equipment and experiences, to trivia, gardening, bird watching, weather phenomenon, computers, etc. It is always a good time.