Welcome to Our Coffee Shop
Our Coffee Shop is an EchoLink conference server, and, a great group of hams that meet regularly to enjoy each other’s company and share the events of the day.
You can find us on Echolink conference server *K6FN*, node 426824.
Membership in Our Coffee Shop is free to licensed Amateur Radio Operators and honorary membership is offered to their spouses. Some of whom will often participate in our regularly scheduled nets.
The motto in Our Coffee Shop is:
“Where everybody is somebody.”
This is a great motto! Everyone wants to know that they matter. This is put into practice in each conversation in Our Coffee Shop as a result of an interesting operating method – “Always pass to the bottom of the list.”
This effectively gives each person a chance to speak to the group, and automatically makes the person who has been waiting the longest, the next to speak.
There are no “net control” operators in Our Coffee Shop, instead “moderators” volunteer their time to log each participant in the two daily official nets that occur at 9AM and 7PM eastern every day of the week, Sunday through Saturday.
It is not unusual to find members gathered at the scheduled times even when there is no official net. All hams are invited to attend and participate! We look forward to meeting you.
Our Coffee Shop has a decidedly Christian leaning. Including one member that functions as the Chaplain of Our Coffee Shop, Stan N9RFO.
This is a Non-denominational group. Members come from different faiths, but are all encouraged to share their perspective and prayer requests.
Members come from all over the world and enjoy the camaraderie that is a big part of being an amateur radio operator. It is the members of Our Coffee Shop that really make it great place to be.
It is my hope that if you are not already a member of Our Coffee Shop, that you will join us “on the air,” and consider becoming a member of our group.
Click HERE, or the button below, to view our membership process.