Moderator Manual (Duties)

  1. Host / Moderate the scheduled net.
  2. Log all participants of the net.
  3. Welcome all members / visitors to the net.
  4. Input and process any prayer requests. 
  5. Assist / Educate new users.
  6. Ensure flowing conversation.
  7. Maintain Civility
  8. Finish the net.
  9. File the Moderator Report as soon as possible after the net.
  10. Moderate at least one net every 6 months to remain active

Host / Moderate the scheduled net

A moderator’s primary duty is to host their scheduled net, and, to create a log of users that attend and take part in the net.  As a moderator, we ask you to help foster an enjoyable experience by following both good amateur radio operator practice, and, leading by example by following the recipes (rules) in Our Coffee Shop.

Moderators MUST sign in as SYSOP when moderating their scheduled net!

If, for any reason, a moderator is unable to host the net as scheduled, it is important that they click on the “My Info” tab in the logger and fill out the substitute moderator request.  Be sure to select the date you will need a sub and the AM/PM indicator since we have two nets per day.  

Log all participants of the net

Creating a log of the participants in your scheduled net is easily accomplished by using the OCS Logger web application.  For best performance, we recommend using a PC or Laptop while moderating to promote ease of use of the Logger application.

Using multiple windows simultaneously ie; having Echolink in one window, and the Logger application in another window, side by side, works best when using the “copy paste” method as described in item #2 on the moderator manual page in the Logger 

It is important to log all participants so that they get credit for their visit. While logging you will find that there are new users, or users that are not members yet. This is perfect opportunity to ask if they would like to become a member!

If someone wants to become a member, refer them to our web site where they can click on the membership button above the scrolling images near the top of the page.  The membership page details the requirements for membership and the three step process.  Once the New Member Registration is completed, they will become a probationary member and receive an automated email welcoming them.  Probationary member have 6 months to complete 10 check-ins by voice to become a full member and receive a certificate. 

While there are multiple methods of actually logging the participants, there are some important things to remember.

  • All stations that enter the group while the net is in progress should be logged immediately, or,  as soon as possible after they enter Our Coffee Shop. It is important to log them in as quickly as possible. We offer a page for registered members that shows who is logged into the net AS IT HAPPENS. If a moderator does NOT log as it happens, then the page will NOT work.

    Creating a written list of check-ins and logging them at a later time will prevent this page from working. So please log users in the group as they come in if at all possible.

    ****Other moderators can assist in keeping the LIVE log if operating conditions of the on duty moderator do not allow immediate logging ****

    If you are moderating, and are unable for any reason to log the session as it happens,  please ask for assistance from another moderator.

    You would still need to send the Moderator Report at the end of the net.  

  • LOG ALL STATIONS  Even if they do NOT transmit, or communicate with the group. 
  • If a station comes in the group and does NOT transmit at all during the net, that station should be indicated as a “NO Xmit” in the log prior to submitting the report.  ***Moderators must click “edit” in the left column of the logger, then check “NO Xmit”, then click the “Update” link to mark the station as a NO Xmit.***
  • Review all log entries to ensure they are accurate and complete!
  • Submit the moderator report ASAP upon conclusion of the net.
  • Log entries should contain the NAME of the station operator being logged. If you are unable to determine the name of the individual by their log in information, there is a QRZ lookup button in the logger for your use.  (Note: the logger will look for the name via a QRZ lookup)

Use the OCS Logger link  below to enter the Logger program. 

To see the manual for the Logger Program click the “Manual” tab after logging in. 

OCS Logger

NOTE – It is important to be accurate in all entries made in the logger! Incorrect entries, or typographical errors will cause problems and require a database admin to correct. One of the most common errors is the inappropriate use of the letter “O” in place of a zero. There are other errors of this nature as well. Please ensure your data entries are accurate!

Welcome all members / visitors to the net, and Our Coffee Shop

Our Coffee Shop is warm and welcoming place!

We want to welcome and greet each member or visitor that comes into Our Coffee Shop.  And, we want to encourage others to do so as well.

Because of the way things work in Our Coffee Shop, “always pass to the bottom of the list,” and, no net control operator, sometimes it might take a while before a newcomer has the chance to talk.  So, its always a good idea to welcome the newcomer to the group, and let them know they will be called on once their call gets to the bottom of the list.

We ask that all members follow this protocol and it is important that moderators take the lead.

Input and process prayer requests

Members and visitors to Our Coffee Shop may submit prayer requests to the group. 

It is important that moderators submit these prayer requests via the Logger application to facilitate the distribution of these requests to the members.

As prayer requests can be of a time sensitive nature, moderators are requested to enter them into the system during their net.   

Prayer requests can be entered at any time 24/7 by logging in to the logger application.  Prayer request emails are sent when a logger report is generated at the end of each net provided there are prayer requests in the queue.

PLEASE NOTE: Moderators must NOT be “opted out” of emails from Our Coffee Shop.

Assist / Educate new users

New users / visitors will likely not be familiar with the way things work in Our Coffee Shop. Some may have never taken part in a similar round table discussion. As a result, it is important to let new users / visitors know the basics as quickly as possible. 

Teach them about our “gravitational” round table, and that they will be called on to talk when their call gets to the bottom of the list. 

Many will be expecting the standard “net control operator” and when you speak to them they will turn it back over to you.  So be sure to tell them that we always pass to the bottom of the list. Preferably by call or by name.  NOTE: Since many connections to Our Coffee Shop are via mobile devices, the list is not displayed while transmitting so let the operator know it is recommended they unkey, look at the bottom of the list, then rekey to pass the microphone to the operator at the bottom.

Always refer the new users to the website! Suggest that they look at the Our Coffee Shop Recipes (rules), and “Membership” info.

Also, be sure to let them know if they have any questions you are here to help.

Ensure Flowing Conversation

Try to avoid, and bring to an end, any long pauses that might happen during the net. Particularly if there are a number of people waiting for their turn to talk.

It is up to the moderator to do what is necessary to keep the conversation flowing. This may be something as simple as calling the person at the bottom of the list by their name or their call sign.

Some people may be unaware that it is there turn to talk, or they may be away from the device they are connected on for a bit.  

If you call a person by name or call twice, with a sufficient pause for a response, and get no answer,  tell the next person to ahead and take their turn, then lurk the non responsive user.

If you have to use such commands, always leave a note in the text box for that user.

Example:  NV5B – Lurked for no response

Maintain Civility

Members and Visitors are expected to maintain civility in their interactions with other members and visitors, and in their use of any of the applications or services provided by Our Coffee Shop.

Argumentative, combative, abusive, profane, or disrespectful behavior or language directed at other members or visitors will not be tolerated.

As a moderator in Our Coffee Shop, there may be on very rare occasion, the necessity for the moderator to maintain civility by using tools available to moderators and admins. 

A description of these tools and their use is located in the Logger application in the “Manual” tab, at the link “Moderator Sysop Commands”.  

Moderators should be familiar with, and continuously reference the Our Coffee Shop Recipes (Rules) in the performance of their duties in this regard.

If a moderator must lurk or mute a user in our coffee shop, that moderator must leave a note in the text box indicating the action employed.


NV5B – Lurked for no response.

Finish the net

Scheduled nets in Our Coffee Shop are listed as 1 hour long. From 9AM to 10AM eastern as an example.

It is important that the moderator remains on duty for the entire hour of the scheduled net.  Even if you and the lurkers are the only ones there.  Some of our members check-in near the end of the net.  

If you agree to substitute for another moderator, you are agreeing to moderate that net for the entire hour of the net.

A lack of participation from other users (an empty room, or few participants) is NOT a reason for a moderator to end the net, or leave the conference unattended. Sometimes members and visitors may not come in till near the end of the net. We want to be sure those parties are welcomed and logged accordingly.

If, for any reason, a moderator is unable to host the net as scheduled, it is important that they use the My Info tab in the Logger to request a substitute moderator.  See image below.

OCS Logger